Dr. Peter Takáts

Country Manager RENOMIA Hungary

Péter Takáts studied law at the University of Pécs and obtained his PhD degree in 1983, in the course of his subsequent academic career. In 1986, he joined the working group that planned the Hungarian insurance market liberalization  and worked for the Insurance Supervisory Authority, organised under the auspices of the Ministry of Finance. Peter started his own insurance consultancy in 1989 and was licensed as an insurance broker in February 1990. He has been active in domestic and international insurance broking as the founder and managing director of Polip Insurance Brokers Ltd, until the company was acquired by RENOMIA in February 2016. Between 2005 and 2014 he participated in an international working party for the Principles of European Insurance Law (PEICL).

Peter is managing partner of POLIPINS-​RENOMIA and country manager of RENOMIA in Hungary. Besides, he is also in charge of the post-​graduate course for lawyers, specializing in insurance, at the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, as honorary professor.